cannot wait to do的相关图片

cannot wait to do

下面围绕“cannot wait to do”主题解决网友的困惑

cant wait to do 还是doing?

正确的表达方式是can't wait to do 含义:can't wait to do sth:迫不及待做某事。用法:1、wait可以接不定式;不定...

英译汉:cannot wait to do

英:cannot wait to do 中义:等不及去做某事

cannot wait 后面接to do还是doingcannot wait 后面

can not wait 后面接to do。wait后面还可以接不定式,不定式表示目的。wait大部分情况作不及物动词,特别是和for连用,for后面接等待的人或物。wait作及物动词用时...

sb. cannot wait to do sth.什么意思

"Cannot wait"就是不能等待的意思。那么“Cannot wait to do sth”就是不能等待而要去做某事,也即急着去做某事。那么整句的意思是:某人急不可待地去做某事

英语中迫不及待做某事,是can not wait doing sth还

couldn't wait to do 我是英语老师,我们初二的教材是这么写的 你说的是couldn't help doing吧,禁不住做某事的意思

Can't wait to do sth.和Can’ t wait doing sth.有

"Can't wait to do sth."表示迫不及待地做某事,强调期待和渴望,可用于正式和非正式场合。"Can't wait doing sth."...

等不及做某事 英语表达

can't help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 can't to do sth.等不及要去做某事 can't (doing) sth. 等不及某事 can't help +动词ing等不及干某事 can't stand to do和c...

【急急求助】can not stop doing sth是什么意思

can't stop doing sth ---不能停下正在做的某事 can't wait to do sth ---不能等着去做某事 can't help doing sth ---情不自禁做某事 can't help do sth --- 不能...


一、 cannot wait 后跟不定式, 意为“急于做”,表示强调的肯定 I couldn’t wait to see her. 我渴望见到她。I cannot wait to read the book. 我非常渴望读到这...

I cannot wait to see you什么意思

我迫不及待的想要见你。。。You cannot always escape from the reality, you have to do what you should do,and resolve the matters which you have not been r...

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